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Government Confirms Car Showrooms Will Be Able To Reopen From 1st June

26th May 2020

Great news for car showrooms, which are set to reopen from next week providing they can show that customers can be kept safe, as confirmed in the government announcement yesterday. The statement from the Prime Minister identified that “car showrooms often have significant outdoor space and it is generally easier to apply social distancing”.

In order to open their doors on Monday 1st June, car dealerships must have taken the necessary steps following the Covid-19 secure guidelines in line with the current Health and Safety legislation. They will only be able to reopen once they have completed a risk assessment and are confident they are managing the risks to protect both their customers and employees.

Scores of car dealers across the UK have been working hard to make social distancing and sanitising preparations to their showrooms in the run up to June, in anticipation of the confirmation that they could reopen. Practical actions that many have undertaken include developing cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures, using signage and floor markings to maintain the 2m social distancing, and managing the transmission risk where it isn’t possible to be 2m apart.

Government Confirms Car Showrooms Will Be Able To Reopen From 1st June

Many dealerships have already adapted to offering their customers options for buying online and click and collect services to minimise contact, which many customers will continue to take advantage of.

For dealers now able to open their showrooms, you must have considered how to operate as safely as possible to minimise the risks to your employees and customers, implementing any new processes and procedures as necessary. You could also make videos or posters explaining what your customers should expect when arriving at the dealership, to inform them of the new procedures within your showroom and site, and to reassure them that their safety is paramount.

If you are operating on an appointment-only basis, or if you will be opening at different times to your normal opening hours, remember to make sure that your website and social media is updated to reflect this.



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