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Quid Car Ads Offer 12 Months Free Stock Listing

12th August 2016

As part of our continued efforts to increase the number of online car advertising platforms available to our customers, Dragon2000 are pleased to announce that our software users are now able to submit stock through to Quid Car Ads from within DragonDMS.

Based in Kent, Quid Car Ads have marked the announcement by offering all our Dealer Management System customers 12 months free stock listing on their website, perfect for dealers looking to try other advertising channels.

Just like our customers normally upload their stock to eBay, Auto Trader, Motors.co.uk, AutoVolo, etc. at the moment, should DragonDMS users wish to submit their stock to Quid Car Ads, they can simply choose them from the dropdown box within the Advertising – Sites screen and select the stock vehicles they wish to advertise on their site.

This offer is completely free of charge to all Dragon2000 customers, with no further commitment or registration required. At the end of your free trial, you will have the option to leave or continue to list your stock on Quid Car Ads from as little as £1 per car.

You can view Quid Car Ads website here



Dragon2000 have been helping dealers and garages drive their businesses forward since 1995. Talk to our team today on 01327 222 333 or email sales@dragon2000.co.uk to find out how our dealer management system, car dealer websites and mobile apps can help your business increase profits and reduce costs.

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